Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls

Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls

Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls are a delicious and easy-to-make treat that’s perfect for any occasion. This no-bake dessert is made with just a few simple ingredients, and it's sure to be a crowd-pleaser! All you need is some digestive biscuits, melted butter, condensed milk, cream, and chocolate. The result is a tasty bite-sized treat that you can enjoy with friends and family any time of year.


  • 300g digestive biscuits
  • 100g melted butter
  • 400g tin of condensed milk
  • 200ml double cream
  • 200g dark chocolate


  1. Crush the digestive biscuits in a food processor or by hand in a bowl until they are a fine crumb.
  2. Mix the melted butter with the biscuit crumb until combined.
  3. Press the biscuit mixture into a lined 8 inch round cake tin.
  4. Pour the condensed milk over the biscuit base and spread evenly.
  5. Whip the cream until it has doubled in size.
  6. Spread the cream over the condensed milk layer.
  7. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water.
  8. Pour the melted chocolate over the cream layer and spread evenly.
  9. Refrigerate for at least four hours or overnight.
  10. Remove from the tin and cut into small bite-sized pieces.

These Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls are an easy and tasty treat that are sure to be a hit with family and friends. They are perfect for any occasion and are sure to be a crowd-pleaser!

People Also Ask

How long do Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls last?

When stored properly in the refrigerator, Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls can last up to 5 days.

Can Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls be frozen?

Yes, Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls can be frozen for up to 3 months. Make sure to wrap them in plastic wrap or an airtight container before freezing.

Can Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls be served warm?

Yes, Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls can be served warm. To do so, simply heat them in the microwave for 15-20 seconds before serving.

Chocolate Banoffee Biscuit Balls

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