Brunch Cocktails Crossword Clue

Brunch Cocktails Crossword Clue

Delicious Brunch Cocktails and Their Crossword Clue

With the summer months officially here, there’s no better way to spend a weekend than with a delicious brunch. But what’s a brunch without a tasty cocktail to go along with it? From mimosas to bloody Marys, here is a list of brunch cocktails and their corresponding crossword clue to help you find the perfect drink for your next brunch.


The classic brunch cocktail, a mimosa is a combination of orange juice and sparkling wine. It’s light, refreshing and the perfect way to start your weekend. Crossword clue: “A classic brunch cocktail”

Bloody Mary

The spicy cousin to the mimosa, a bloody Mary is a combination of tomato juice, vodka and spices. It’s a great way to wake up and get the weekend started. Crossword clue: “A spicy brunch cocktail”


A sweet and fruity cocktail, a bellini is a combination of sparkling wine and peach puree. It’s an excellent way to enjoy a summer brunch. Crossword clue: “A sweet brunch cocktail”


A traditional Spanish drink, sangria is a combination of red wine and fruit. It’s a great way to liven up a summer brunch. Crossword clue: “A fruity brunch cocktail”

Moscow Mule

A Moscow Mule is a combination of vodka, ginger beer and lime juice. It’s a great way to enjoy a brunch in the summertime. Crossword clue: “A refreshing brunch cocktail”


Whether you’re hosting a brunch or just attending one, these delicious brunch cocktails are sure to please. With their corresponding crossword clues, you’ll easily be able to find the perfect drink to enjoy with your brunch.

Brunch Cocktails Crossword Clue

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